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Tuesday, March 26, 2019


One of the best films ever made from PRC.

This film reeks of gothic images and horror. As the movie opens we learn that several people have been murdered in the swamp and many of the locals believe that the killer is the ghost of an innocent man they hung.

A young woman comes out to see her father and discovers he died shortly before she arrived, a victim of the curse. The woman, Maria (lovely Rosemary Le Planche) takes over her father's business of running a ferry across the swamps and soon finds herself wooed by a young man named Christian Sanders (Blake Edwards).

Everything builds to a confrontation between Maria and the killer ghost played by Charles Middleton. Frank Wisbar directed this film and as I stated earlier, this is one of the best PRC films ever made.

We get some pretty haunting photography and ghostly images of Middleton's Ferryman Douglas seeking victims. The beautiful Le Planche was a former Miss America in 1941 and her last film role was in 1949. She married and then concentrated on being a wife and mother of two children. Sadly she passed away way too young at the age of 55 in 1979 from cancer.

This film is simply a MUST see for horror fans, and I believe most of you may have already seen it, but if you haven't you should check it out.

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