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Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Shout Factory is at it again for 2020.

Shout has announced two of my favorite 50's films for Blu-ray releases in March.

First up is HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER about a make-up man seeking revenge on the studio bosses who have put him out of work. Monstera a plenty in this fun little film.

And then 'DAY THE WORLD ENDED". My favorite Roger Corman movie and one of my top 20 favorites of all time. This film may be the release of the year 2020!!

Both a VERY welcome additions to my Blu-ray collection.

Shout is also offering up on Blu-ray the classic horror film "LET'S SCARE JESSICA TO DEATH" on January 28th. If you have never seen this film, you should.

Criterion is releasing a stunning Blu-ray of the film noir classic "Leave Her To Heaven" in March and that promises to be a winner as well.

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