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Monday, December 9, 2019


An interesting and somewhat obscure little film.

Anton Corbijn directed this film about the LIFE magazine 1954 photo shoot of actor James Dead (Dane Dehaan).

Photographer Dennis Stock (Robert Pattinson) is a looking for a shoot that will make him some real money when he stumbles upon James Dean sitting at a party hosted by director Nicholas Ray (Peter Lucas).

Stock immediately knows that there is something very different about this young man and proceeds to hound him until he agrees to a shoot. It takes a very long time for Dean to come around to this idea, but he finally does.

Stock and Dean become very good friends during the course of the photo shoot and it is a friendship that lasts until Dean's tragic death in 1954.

This is a well made period piece film that takes place in the early 50's. The two leads perform their roles very well and it's easy. at least it was for me, to get lost in a film like this.

The film moves along at a good clip and if you're a fan of early Hollywood you'll enjoy this movie. Ben Kingsley turns in a great performance as producer Jack Warner who hires Dean to star in the upcoming film called "Rebel Without A Cause".

This is not a well known movie and it was not a box office hit by any means. but if you get a chance to see it I would recommend you do. I enjoyed the heck out of it, and I had never heard of it until my room mate brought it home.

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