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Tuesday, December 31, 2019


This is the final post of 2019.

What a year it was in just about everything. I lost a few more good friends this year, which is, of course, never good. We have seen a country become more divided than ever on every single issue and that is something I thought I'd never live to see.

2020 will bring us even more division, especially since this is an election year, and that is going to be most interesting. Music in 2019 still sucked as it has for years as did most of the movies that came out. Yes, there were a few good ones, but they are usually hidden in the bottom of a huge pile of junk films.

As the years pass I find myself going and staying further in the past as I feel that is where the best entertainment lies. 2019 was a great year for DVD and Blu-ray and I am sorry that health issues and other matters prevented me from seeing all that I wanted to, but at least it's out there for others to enjoy.

The coming year looks pretty good for both mediums and although I won't get to see everything again, I am glad that things are moving along just fine in classic entertainment and music.

I hope everyone reading this has a great New Year and has spent the holiday season taking time to reflect on their personal lives. When the end of the year gets here I have several traditions including listening to classic AT40 Top 100 countdowns of the year with Casey Kasem. This year I listened to 1976, 1981 and 1985.

I also have several gin and tonics while watching classic TV shows and this year I received several DVD's as Christmas gifts and they contain some great television. I will indulge after work on New Year's Eve, then I will be reviewing some of those classics in January.

However you spend the end of the year, I hope you have a good one, and I'll be here posting more stuff, and some of it will be bad, some good and some excellent. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE.


  1. Happy New Year to you sir. I do have a question for you, how do you have the Radio Countdown shows stored? Tape, digital? Just wondering, thanks.

    1. Thanks and a Happy New Year to you as well. I have thousands of radio countdown shows stored on digital. Believe it or not I used to have them on vynal!!!
