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Sunday, January 12, 2020


Well, this was the final season for the landmark series starring George Reeves as the man of steel.

Again, the season ran 13 episodes and here they are...

THE LAST KNIGHT 2/3/58... A man wearing armor kidnaps both Lois and Jimmy and Superman must rescue them.

THE MAGIC SECRET 2/10/58... A criminal has a kryptonite ray gun that he attempts to destroy Superman. He kidnaps Lois and Jimmy as a lure for Superman.

DIVIDE AND CONQUER 2/17/58... Superman stretches the laws pf physics and splits in to two beings to stop a Latin American government coup. Interesting episode indeed.

THE MYSTERIOUS CUBE 2/24/58... A criminal hiding in a bunker made of a substance so strong even Superman cannot enter it waits for a time limit to gain his freedom.

THE ATOMIC CAPTIVE 3/3/58... Lois and Jimmy along with an atomic scientist flee kidnappers. Unknown to them they have traveled into a part of the desert that is an atom bomb test ground.

THE SUPERMAN SILVER MINE 3/10/58... A man who hits it rich decides to give the proceeds to needy children in Metropolis, but gangsters have other ideas what to do with the money.

THE BIG FORGET 3/17/58... Prof. Pepperwinkle develops an anti-memory vapor that gangsters steal in order to use in their crimes.

THE GENTLE MONSTER 3/24/58... Prof. Pepperwinkle is back again with a new robot he created called Mr. McTavish. Criminals steal McTavish to stop Superman since the robot is carrying kryptonite as part of his inner working system.

SUPERMAN'S WIFE 3/31/58... A beautiful policewoman poses as Superman's wife in order to break up a crime syndicate. A very famous episode due to the starring role of the gorgeous Joi Lansing as the policewoman.

THREE IN ONE 4/7/58... Three circus performers use their skills to commit crimes and frame Superman.

THE BRAINY BURR0 4/14/58... Star George Reeves directed this episode about a burro that has the ability to read minds.

THE PERILS OF SUPERMAN 4/21/58... A tip notch episode about a man in a lead mask who vows to destroy Lois, Jimmy, and Perry White to get even with Superman. George Reeves directed this all time classic episode which is one of the best of the entire 6 seasons.

ALL THAT GLITTERS 4/28/58... George Reeves directed this final episode of the series which concerns an invention by Prof. Pepperwinkle that gives Lois and Jimmy the same powers as Superman....or does it?

That concluded the 6 year run for the show, which was going to be coming back for another year, but with the untimely death of star George Reeves it never happened. A tragic end to a great performer and a great show. However, the show remains a favorite amongst many people and I know I will always be a fan of this, the original and BEST Superman series ever.

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