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Saturday, July 1, 2023


A very rare Italian gothic horror that hasn't been seen much since it's release 48 years ago.

A group of people arrive at a castle in Scotland for the reading of a will and find murder and haunted goings on instead. This is really more of a mystery film that a horror film, but it works either way.

The man who has died was a victim of leprosy and he was experimenting with cell rejuvination. Before the will can be read his body disappears from it's tomb and the caretaker is found hanging by his neck.

This sets up a great mystery and the setting inside an old crunbling castle is perfect. The movie has English subtitles as it was never dubbed into any language.

Trust me, this isn't one of those long lost "gotta see" movies, but for gothic horror fans it is something they should see and it's nice that the film has finally surfaced for horror and mystery fans to see.

If you care to, check it out. The quality is beautiful and the movie moves along at a very good pace.

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