First off I want to say it was nice to see one actor in this mess, and that was Robert Forster. This was released about a year after he passed away.
A series of brutal killings attributed to a werewolf is plauging a small Utah town. Forster stars as elder Sheriff Hadley. He is in charge of the investigation as to what is going on.
After about the first 20 minutes the movie falls apart and again, there are no characters to give a damn about. Jim Cummings directed this mess and stars as John Marshall, a foul mouthed, drunked man who cares about nothing but making people feel small and dropping "F" bombs with every sentance.
The resolution is stupid and droll, much like almost everyone in the movie. I have been told by many people that moodern movie audiences are very sophisticated and want realism in their movies. If that is so then why do we have such garbage made into movies.
The people in this film act like nobody I have ever known and everyone is loud and angry. But, hey, whatever. All I can say is I had high hopes for this film and was let down. It's my fault really, I gave it a chance and wasted 90 minutes of my life.
You've been warned.
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