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Wednesday, May 23, 2018


An Indian war is brewing in this well done western.

John Hodiak is cast as Cochise the Apache leader and does a very good job with the role. I always enjoyed Hodiak and his work and it's sad his career and life were cut short at the age of 41.

Robert Stack stars as Maj. Tom Burke, a man who is trying to stop a potential Indian war. It seems the Gadsden Purchase, which has brought part of Mexico into the USA, is the problem.

Burke has been sent to make peace with the Indians and he succeeds with Cochise, however Cochise cannot convince the Comanches to be peaceful. Burke also discovers that a mysterious "someone" wants an Indian war as their is plenty of profit to be made.

Again, as usual, this film really packs in the action and plot twists in 70 minutes. Stack and Hodiak make a great combination but I think it is Joy Page who silently steals the show. Her portrayal of Consuelo de Cordova, the Hispanic woman Burke loves and that Cochise keeps hostage is so well's amazing.

The rest of the cast of this top notch western includes Steven Ritch, Robert Griffin, and Rodd Redwing. RECOMMENDED!!

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