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Friday, May 4, 2018


I have talked about DVD quality before and here I go again.

I am sure we all agree that a good quality DVD or Blu-ray is a good thing, but I have to ask, where does the line get drawn? What I mean by this is how good do you NEED the picture to be?

Why do I bring this up again? Let me start at the beginning.

There is a company, who shall remain nameless here that is slowly phasing out their DVD-R selection of films because of customer whining about quality. This is not cool. I can understand if you cannot even watch the movie because of quality, but I have seen these very discs, and all are extremely watchable.

I believe this inherent need for 4K HD SUPER HD 3D QUANTUM CAMVISION bullshit to be the product of the upcoming generation. Now while each person has their own likes and dislikes I still will never understand the need for perfection on every DVD or Blu-ray.

I grew up during a time when we had three or four channels on a TV and reception wasn't always the best, but if there was a movie on I wanted to see I watched it anyway. Then when VHS came along it was a godsend for people like me and I traded tapes with a hell of a lot of people. Sure, the quality of the movies wasn't always very good as far as picture goes, but I watched them because they were rare, and was very thankful I got to see them in the first place.

I now do the same with DVD-R. If someone is offering ultra rare and never before seen films, I try to obtain a copy so I can watch it and talk about it here and let people know it's available. But it seems more and more people are not putting things on DVD-R because so many "fans" bitch about quality.

This new digital age has made people so demanding and picky that a niche market is dying and that bothers me. Usually the DVD-R market is one that has a lot of films made many years ago in countries such as Mexico, Turkey, Pakistan and many other such countries. I have heard from people who do nothing but complain if these films are not SUPER DUPER in quality. Really?

To me anyway, you take what you can get until something better comes along, but I believe "fans" are too spoiled by technology and they set their expectations way too high. I will be writing about a few very rare movies on DVD-R here again very soon and no, I do not expect them to be excellent quality, but I want to see them and I will.

Yes, I like films in HD and in proper aspect ratio, but I do not expect it with everything as that is impossible considering that some films today are all but lost and the proper elements are gone. I guess I am too old school in my appreciation for things and I do wish others were as well.

End of rant.

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