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Wednesday, May 9, 2018


This is another top notch Holmes outing.

Holmes is called in from Quebec to investigate a series of murders that the locals say is being committed by a supernatural monster.

A woman who hired Holmes via letter is found with her throat torn out and no matter the locals think, Holmes and Watson are convinced that the killer is all too human.

The scenes with the glowing killer stalking the foggy moors are very well handled by director Roy William Neill and this film actually plays more like a Universal horror film than any other Holmes outing.

Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce take on their usual roles of Holmes and Watson and the rest of the cast includes Paul Cavanagh, Gerald Hamer, Miles Mander and Kay Harding.

This was also one of the hardest Holmes film to restore as there were a lot of missing frames and if I recall correctly there are no original film elements left for this fine film. The MPI transfer is very, very good and it's nice to see this film in it's entirety finally.

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