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Saturday, May 12, 2018


Another fine Sherlock Holmes outing.

Several young women have been killed in London and each has a finger severed. The police believe that it is the work of a madman, howevcer Holmes has different ideas.

The investigation by Holmes and Watson leads them into a world of hypnosis and a mysterious woman named Lydia (Hillary Brooke). It seems that there is a much more dangerous game at hand.

Master criminal Moriarty (Henry Daniell) is behind the insidious scheme and it's up to Holmes to stop him once again.

This film moves along very quickly and keeps the viewer guessing as to what is actually happening. Rathbone and Bruce as Holmes and Watson respectively do their usual fine job, but Watson is really played as a fool in this one.

The quality of the print is excellent after restoration, and it certainly looks better than the old VHS tapes I have seen of this for the past 20 years.

It's a great addition to the series and one that Holmes fans should see.

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