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Thursday, July 26, 2012


Ahh 1977..a very good time in my life. I was 15, loved movies and read and watched everything I could and little did I know that films like this existed.
Well flash forward to 1995 and my discovery of this wonderful film from Jess Franco.
This story concerns a 16 year old girl who is forced into a convent run by Satanists! Gorgeous Susan Hemingway is the young girl and William Berger is the Father Confessor and a very unlikable person from the get go.
The young woman, Maria, writes a letter to god and a Knight rescues her, but only after she has been forced to have sex with men, women and the Devil and then told it was only in her mind.
Eventually she falls into the hands of the Inquisition and is tortured as a way to make her take back her accusations. She is stretched on the rack and burned on various body parts until she agrees to say she lied.
This is an excellent Franco film and that is saying something.
I have always liked his work, but the way this film looks is simply beautiful.
If you get a chance, watch this film and you too might just become a friend of Jess Franco's films.

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