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Friday, August 3, 2012


Wow, they certainly don't make movies like this anymore...and that is a shame. John Carradine stars in this film about a family of Bigfoot monsters capturing women for breeding purposes.
Sexy Joi Lansing dives out of her plane as it crashes and once she lands she takes off her flying suit and reveals that she is wearing a Baby doll nightie under it. That is a major plus factor. She is then kidnapped by the Bigfoot monsters and tied to a stake.
Soon bikers come along and one of their women is kidnapped in her green bikini she was wearing in the middle of the woods and they tie her to a stake as well.
Carradine and his business partner played by John Mitchum aid the bikers in fighting the monsters and getting the women back.
Gorgeous Judy Jordan is the other kidnapped girl and seeing her and Joi tied to stakes and casually talking about their captors is very weird to say the least.
This film is populated with B movie actors such as James Craig, Chris Mitchum, Lindsey Crosby, Ken Maynard and Doodles Weaver.
You gotta love the tag line "breeds with anything...." sounds like an ex-girlfriend of mine.
If you want to see one of the wildest and strangest movies ever then check this out.


  1. Thank you for this.

    I had no idea it was getting a legitimate release, and I've always wanted to see it.

