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Sunday, August 12, 2012


It's late at night and I just got home from work and stumbled across this article about Britney Spears and her new perfume.
Now, Britney doesn't usually come up for conversation on this blog except as a birthday note in December, but the article just caught my eye for one BIG reason.
The person that wrote the article claims that the pics of Britney in Cleopatra gear "channels" Jean Harlow.
I love old movies and I hate it when some uneducated writer for some left wing tripe internet paper makes such baseless claims. This is not slamming Britney as she had nothing to do with the article, but to compare ANY modern day female "entertainer" to a real star like Harlow is nothing short of fraud.
Spears has her fans, and I even have some of her music and my god even a T shirt but the writer compares her to Harlow and I just couldn't let it stand.
I am currently working on an article about the women of the golden age of cinema from the 1930's to the 1970's and how they are so much better than 99% of the actresses of today.
Just had to get that off my chest.

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