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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


One of the all time greats of 50's sci-fi. Logic is thrown out the window in favor of shocks in this tale about a huge monster that gets aboard a spaceship while it is taking off from Mars.
Marshall Thompson is an astronaut being taken back to earth to face a court martial for the killing of his men on a previous flight. Nobody believes his story that a monster did it until some of the new crew start turning up missing.
The blood drinking monster is soon discoverd and then it is a fight for survival on the ship between the humans and one of the most terrifying monsters to ever hit the big screen at that time.
This plot has been ripped off many times by modern moviemakers, but the best one was "Alien" back in 1979.
Edward L. Cahn directs with his usual sure hand and the rest of the cast is a movie lovers dream...Shawn Smith, Kim Spalding, Dabbs Greer, Ann Doran, Paul Langton and Ray "Crash" Corrigan as the Martian.
I simply love this film. It is pure pulp sci-fi and a damn good movie.
If only modern moies were anywhere near this interesting. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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