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Friday, August 3, 2012


Some days are just bad no matter what. Today I get the news that a person I know who shall remain nameless has stolen several hundred of my DVD's and $350.00 that was supposed to ship them back.
There really isn't much I can do because this is America and theft is encouraged, but I do hope this person knows how much it angers and hurts me that I have lost most of my best DVD's including the entire Midnite Movie line and all of my Criterion films.
Most of these cannot be replaced as they are out of print, but like any good American citizen this person doesn't give a damn as long as they can take what isn't theirs, much like welfare and food stamp people.
So, a lesson learned..NEVER TRUST anyone with anything.
Over time this will pass like anything else, but it will be a very cold day in hell when I offer anything to anyone and that includes a helping hand.
After all the pissant who runs this country uttered from his Muslim lips.."if you own a business you didn't build it, someone else did." So that must mean if you own it someone else can take it.
God bless the USA and it's theives. If I have offended anyone with what I have said, I really don't care.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about you getting screwed. Typical of the abundance of idiots we now have roaming the halls of America. One consolation is that what comes around goes around brother. They will get theirs and I only hope they get eaten by Godzilla and crapped out in Haiti.
