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Wednesday, November 28, 2018


I hadn't seen this for 36 years and forgot what a bizarre film it was.

Director Fredrick Hobbs was one of the most creative and original people ever to grace the film business. I have met and know a lot of people in the film industry and in the wrestling business, but never have I met anyone with such bizarre ideas as Hobbs. I had never met Hobbs, but would have loved to.

This early 70's cult film is a totally original film that is very hard to describe. Christopher Brooks stars as a janitor who works in a bar who drives a forklift thru a wall and discovers a magicians magic crate.

He suddenly becomes "Alabama: King Of The Cosmos" and takes his magic show on the road and becomes an international star. As he tours the USA he discovers that the magic may be too much for him and he starts to lose control of it.

About half way thru the film we are introduced to a plot by a cult of vampires to take over the world during the biggest show Alabama has ever put on. It's a world wide broadcast and somehow this will help the vampires. Alabama's mother and a voodoo priest friend accompany him to the big event as does his girlfriend.

Suddenly vampires on motorcycles attack the crowd and a robot replica of Alabama created by the voodoo priest zaps them back to where they came from.

During the course of the film we are introduced to a female Nazi scientist, a voodoo cult, vampires, hippies and even an elephant who plays a key part in the end of the film. Oh my.

This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I recommend it for those who like intelligent (yes you read that right) viewing. Not your usual film by any means. The rest of the cast includes E. Kerrigan Prescott and Steven Kent Browne both of whom starred along with Brooks in "Godmonster Of Indian Flats" another bizarre Hobbs film.

I happened to watch this the same night I watched Kilink in Istanbul and I don't know if my brain if fully recovered yet. Seriously, check it out if you so desire. The quality is beautiful.

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