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Wednesday, November 21, 2018


A great crime drama I hadn't seen in about 30 years.

Not since the VHS days and a company called Video Yesteryear out of Sandy Hook, CT did this movie flash on my tv screen.

Odile Versois is Marie, a young woman who is set up for a phony robbery charge in France and brought to England under false pretenses by a very shady man named Nick Biaggi (Herbert Lom) in order to become a prostitute.

Eddie Constantine is a cabbie who agrees to marry Marie in a sham wedding so he can get money from Nick and this will also help Marie get a passport she everything is legal with her in England. Constantine's character of Johnny McVey falls in love with Marie and this does not sit well with Nick.

Tings get very rough as Johnny is beat up by Nick's thugs and then it becomes all out war between Nick's crime ring and the cabbies of London. Lom's character is totally over the top, and one of the best performances of his career.

However the standout of the entire movie is gorgeous Diana Dors as a prostitute who works for Nick that finally gets her revenge on him for disfiguring her sister with acid. Dors looks fantastic in extremely tight dresses and much less. She was at her peak during this time and was always someone I enjoyed watching in films.

Action, sleaze, suspense and Diana Dors.....what the hell more could one want. The title refers to a certain room in which Lom takes uncooperative women. The print from Sinister is very good and I can recommend this for ant crime film fan.

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