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Friday, November 9, 2018


The third disc in the series is called "We Like To Hurt People" and it is easily my favorite.

This disc runs a little over 2 hours and features some of the best and bloodiest matches ever seen.

The first match is a Tennessee Street Fight with Tommy Rich and Eddie Gilbert going against Phil Hickerson and The Spoiler. This is what wrestling was meant to be. All four men beat each other half to death and the blood flows freely. No wrestling fan should miss this Mid-South classic.

Match 2 is another Mid-South epic involving The Rock and Roll Express against Randy "Macho Man" Savage and his brother Lanny Poffo. This again is a wild match which epitomizes why Mid-South was a top wrestling organization.

Match 3 takes us to Southwest Championship Wrestling to see Dick Slater vs. Dory Funk, Jr. The match soon becomes a wild brawl with the involvement of Tully Blanchard and Scott Casey.

Match 4 takes us to Professional Big Time Wrestling out of Toronto, Canada. This is a classic match between The Sheik and Tiger Jeet Singh in a cage match. The Sheik ruled Detroit and Toronto wrestling for 30 years and never lost a match. Easily the most hated man ever in wrestling and every time he appeared police security was beefed up.

Match 5 is a wild brawl from Southwest Championship Wrestling involving The Fabulous Blonds against Al Perez and Manny Fernandez. This is a studio match in which Perez and Fernandez win the tag team titles and then are attacked by The Sheepherders until Bobby Jaggers shows up with an ax handle.

Match 6 features Harley Race against Terry Funk at the Maple Leaf Gardens on Feb. 6th, 1973. This is the historic match when Race won the title from Funk.

Match 7 features Pepper Gomez against The Bounty Hunter in Indianapolis, Indiana. Gomez was one of the first black wrestlers and one of the most popular wrestlers in history.

Match 8 features Austin Idol against Jim Neidhart in a classic and wild fight at the Mid-South Coliseum.

Match 9 is a Mid-South brawl between two of the all time greats. Butch Reed goes against The Junkyard Dog and what a great match it is. Not to be missed.

Match 10 is a TV studio match with Rick Rude, Jim Neidhart, Ox Baker and The Japanese Assassin going up against Robert Reed, Tiger Mask, Keith Eric and Mad Dog.

Match 11 is King Kong Bundy vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler. This took place at the Mi-South Coliseum and for every minute that Lawler stays in the ring with Bundy he gets 1000 dollars.

Match 12, the final on this disc features Terry Funk taking on Mark Lewin in an unscheduled studio match that becomes more and more violent. Walter Johnson charges the ring and knocks Lewin out. This took place in Detroit and set up a great, long running feud.

This is, as I said earlier the best disc in the collection, in my opinion.

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