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Friday, August 16, 2013


A very good Hammer psychological thriller.

Hammer was and will always be known for their classic horror films with Dracula, Frankenstein and others, but there was a much darker side to their films such as this little black and white shocker about a young woman who has some wild dreams about seeing her mother who is locked in an asylum coming after her with a large knife.

These dreams finally drive her to being in a mental hospital and that is where the film switches gears and concentrates on the two minor characters from the first half of the film. Turns out they have been trying to drive the poor girl insane and they think they have succeeded.

Jennie Lindon is the young woman they are trying to drive insane and she gives a very good performance. The rest if the cast is very good, even if you've never heard of them before in a Hammer horror film. If tyou like horror that slowly builds and great plot twists you'll like this film.


  1. I love the Hammer films...

  2. So do I. Thanks so much for the comment and I appreciate you taking the time to read the blog.
