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Thursday, August 8, 2013


More excellent TV terror!

Three tales of terror from director Dan Curtis. The first story is "The Graveyard Rats" and it's about a woman whose husband is murdered by her and her lover then when she tries to retrieve some microfilm containing account numbers to his Swiss Bank accounts she finds a horror she never imagined in his grave.

The second tale is "Bobby" in which a young woman uses black magic to bring back her dead son with terrifying consequences. This is actually a remake of the same tale that appeared in the movie "Dead Of Night" in 1977.

The third and final story is "He Who Kills" and features one of the most terrifying creations ever brought to a TV movie. the Zuni Fetish Doll. This picks up right at the end of the original story in "Trilogy Of Terror" as the police investigate the murders and take the doll to a Dr. to have her find out how it is involved in the case. It soon comes back to life and begins another reign of terror.

Lysette Anthony stars in all three tales much like Karen Black in the original and this movie really delivers the goods. The first and last tales are the best, but the entire movie is top notch and shouldn't be missed. Why this isn;t out on DVD bows my mind.

The cast is rounded out by Geoffrey Lewis, Matt Clarke and Thomas Mitchell. Recommendedd!

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