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Sunday, February 13, 2022


A good little film from Chesterfield Pictures.

A young woman named Molly (Cecilia Parker) is planning on marrying an Irish cop named Terry (Russell Hopton).

She meets a stranger who gives her a ride home on night after she has worked late at her jewelry company. The stranger meets Terry and all seems normal.

However, the stranger is connected with a gang of crooks who want to steal a shipment of diamonds coming to the jewelry company. They get one of their own to look and sound like Terry and then wear a mask.

When the robbery is pulled off the police arrest Terry in connection with the crime and he and Cecilia must prove his innocence. This is a fast paced low budget thriller that necver seems to slow down.

Actress Parker was borrowed from MGM which is a rare happening. Major studios never lent their talent to "poverty row" studios, but they did in this case, and it works perfectly.

I can easily recommend this 64 minute gem. People often say these low budget films from companies like this are awful, but that is not the case. This film is an undiscovered gem.

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