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Thursday, February 10, 2022


A long thought lost horror tale.

Charles Band directed this short tale (29 minutes) about a beautiful young woman named Mrs. Brady (Barbara Crampton) who comes to visit an old castle where her lover, Jonathan, a priest (Jeffrey Combs) killed himself.

The landlady who runs the castle is reluctant to let her in, but finally does and Brady wishes to be alone in the room for a while. In this room she reunites with the ghost of Jonathan until a dead clergyman comes to tell her that Jonathan is only after her soul.

The Clegyman (David Warner) is long dead as well and Mrs. Brady has to deal with him and Jonathan's familiar, a strange rat-like creature with a human face.

This was originally past of a movie entitled "Pulse Pounders" but when Empire Picture went bankrupt it was thought lost forever. It was re-discovered on VHS in 2011 and I am very thankful it was.

Based on a short story by H.P. Lovecraft, this is one twisted tale and they really cram a lot into the brief running time. It was shot in 1988 and it took over two decades to see the light of day. Crampton looks fantastic of course and she does have a nude scene with Combs.

If you get a chance you might want to see this. Man does it bring back the great times of the 80's, and it does have a great twist ending.

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