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Monday, February 7, 2022

RIP RON KIVETT 1943-2022

The writer and costume designer of one of my favorite films has died.

Kivett wrote the regional horror thriller ZAAT. He also took care of the costume and did many behind the scenes tasks associated with the film.

It was his only credit besides something called "Ancient Aliens" where he was himself in the film. He passed away on January 23rd, 2022 at the age of 78.


  1. RIP. I had the pleasure of seeing ZAAT at the Alamo Drafthouse a few years ago, it was great with an audience. AGFA made a digital print for this screening so I was hoping that meant there would be a blu ray release. Still waiting...

    1. The Blu-ray was available a few years ago. I bought it right away. It still may be available. It's a great print.
