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Monday, February 7, 2022


A Fred Olen Ray directed crime film.

Brent Huff stars as Shane Newman, a burned out LA detective who is sent to Hawaii by his boss Hugh Janus (Jay Richardson) and yes you read that name

Newman arrives in Hawaii and finds himself partnered with a beautiful female detective named Julie Siska (Kari Wuhrer). All is quiet until a group of sorority sisters arrive for a celebration and a demented killer stars picking them off one by one.

There are a few bizarre murders in this film, but what really saves it is the women. There is plenty of soft core sex in the film and the likes of Debbie Rochon, Amy Lindsey and lead Wuhrer make it all the better.

There are a few comedic bits in the film as well, and it works to lighten the mood. This is a typical Ray film and this was written by his wife Kimberly, and I know she has her tongue in cheek.

There is an interesting twist in this film I won't spoil of course, but if you like direct to video crime dramas or Fred Olen Ray films, I suggest you watch this.

The rest of the cast includes Belinda Gavin, Ted Monte, Richard Gabai and Kim Lynn. Did I mention Wuhrer looks fantastic in a hardly there bikini? Oh my.

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