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Monday, September 30, 2024


I really liked this goofy little 90's action movie.

Deron McBee stars as Garret Bodine, a man currently serving time in an Arizona prison for attempted murder.

Garret is sprung from jail by the government when a vicious Mexican drug lord comes to the USA for revenge after his brother is killed in jail.

Garret's uncle, Sam Bodine (Armando Silvestre) is a target for the drug lord Carmen Vasquez (James Dalesandro). Soon all hell breaks loose as Vasquez begins his reign of terror in Loa Angeles. Garret and Sam decide to go after him together and stop him before it's too late.

We learn that Garret was framed by Vasquez and Sam lost the use of one of his legs after aa violent encounter with him as well. The movie moves along very well and I can't say I was bored at all.

There are several reasons why I watched and like this film. The first is the plot's not original, but it is well handled and not at all hard to follow.

The main reason is the cast. I saw Armando Silvestre was in it, so that makes it a must see as I followed his career from the early 60's until his death a few months ago at age 98. It was also a must see because of the gorgeous Melissa Moore.

Anything this 6 foot tall blonde is in I will watch. I love seeing Melissa Moore in anything and she is the epitome of 80's and 90's sexiness.

Anyway, if you like action movies you should check this out. No, it's not perfect, but it was fun. There are some great set pieces in here so don't believe all the negative things you read about it. Judge for yourself.

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