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Saturday, September 7, 2024


What a misfire from Columbia.

Richard Harris stars as Falk a man just trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world with beautiful wife Miriam (Alana Stewart). One day Miriam is raped and killed by a group called Ravagers led by actor Anthony James.

Falk gets revenge by killing the leaders best friend, and that starts trouble.

Falk leaves the area, but the Ravagers are following him. On his trip Falk meets some interesting characters including a blind lawyer played by Seymour Cassell, an army Sergeant played by Art Carney who in turn introduces Falk to a young woman named Faina (Ann Turkel).

None of this makes much sense as Falk is actually looking for something his now dead wife used to talk about...something called the Land Of Genesis.

There are a lot of small bit parts with characters that never go anywhere and come and go out of the movie llike a revolving door. I think Harris is miscast as Falk. He just doesn't seem the type for the role.

The other problem is we never find out what happened to put the world in this state and some of the dialogue makes you believe it happened decades before, when that just isn't the case.

The rest of the cast includes Woody Strode, Ernest Borgnine, and Brian Carney.

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