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Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Well done Republic western.

This super fast paced western involves a land rush opening in the Cherokee Strip in Oklahoma. Many have put in their claims and rush to the newly bought land.

However when they arrive they discover that the land has already been claimed by many others. A crooked promoter named Trent Parker (Frank Jacquet) and his henchmen have stolen the land to make a huge profit.

Chad Stevens (Rocky Lane) investigates and has to put a stop to the crimes. Lane always mkes a great good guy and this time his interest lies also in the beautiful June Hardy (Linda Sterling).

There are many gun fights and fisticuffs and finally Stevens reveals himself to be a government agent who has been working on the Parker case for 3 years.

All ends well as is usually the case in Republic westerns. I really enjoyed this film. The cast is top notch and also includes Earle Hodgins, Twinkle Watts, Roy Barcroft, Eva Novak, Tom London and Robert J. Wilke.

Highly Recommended fun.

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