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Wednesday, June 17, 2015


I watched a few films with the late, great Christopher Lee, and here are two of them which were talked about here a long time ago.

TERROR IN THE CRYPT 1964 (RETROMEDIA)...This is also known as Crypt Of the Vampire. Lee stars as Count Ludwig Karnstein, a man who believes that his lovely daughter, Laura is possessed by the spirit of a dead ancestor named Carmilla.

Laura is played by Adriana Ambesi whom many fans will remember for her ultra sexy performance as Blinka in "Fangs Of The Living Dead". This film is in gorgeous black and white and very atmospheric.

Ursula Davis is Ljuba, a young woman who comes to stay with Laura who may not be what she seems to be. Lee is fine in the role of a man who is surrounded by things he does not understand, and the print from Retromedia is one of the better ones I have seen of this film. This makes for great Saturday morning viewing.

CITY OF THE DEAD 1960 (VCI)...One of the best horror films around!!

Christopher Lee again stars in this film. He plays the role of a college teacher of the supernatural who sends students to a small New England town called Whitewood. He sends them there to be sacrificed as he is part of a devil worshiping cult that is headed by a witch who was executed 300 years past.

This film is loaded with dark atmosphere and it seems like Whitewood is constantly enshrouded in fog. The first young student is captured and killed so her boyfriend goes to investigate.

The print from VCI is excellent and this film really holds your attention. John Moxey directed this gem with his usual flair for gothic style. One of Lee's best films and one not to be missed by horror fans.

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