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Saturday, October 15, 2016


A HUGE part of my life is ending tonight.

As I write this I am about 4 hours away from seeing one of the best places I have ever been close it's doors forever. I am talking about HASTINGS BOOKS AND VIDEO.

For the last 25 years I have loved this store, and for movies fanatics like me it was ALWAYS great to walk into. The last 19 years I have been a very faithful customer of theirs here in Twin Falls.

They were the last DVD store in the USA that carried many off the wall or obscure titles and everyone knows I live and breathe those kind of films. They even special ordered DVDs for me and over the years I purchased over 3000 DVDs and even VHS tapes from them.

It got to the point where the charming ladies who worked there knew me by first name, suggested titles for me to order and even knew my voice when I called and placed orders.

Everything was running fine until for some odd reason the corporation decided to change things around and it has proven to be the death of a once great store.

It's been a great 25 years with them as my main supplier of the odd and unusual and it is heartbreaking to know that I will never walk into those coveted doors again.

With the store closing this afternoon I feel I have lost a close friend and it's sad. Not only have I lost many close friends this year, now I am losing my one place of solace.

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