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Tuesday, July 31, 2012


This weekends edition of AT 40 the 80's takes us back to 8/3/85, a time when
Don Henley said there is "Not Enough Love In The World", The Eurythmics asked "Would I Lie To You", Survivor said "The Search is Over", Prince wore a "Raspberry Beret" and Paul Young lamented "Everytime You Go Away" plus much more.
Listen to the countdown on WMGN in Madison, WIsconsion on Sunday morning at 11am Mountain Time.


This weekends edition of AT 40 The 70's is from 8-4-79, one of the best times for top 40 radio, and in the four hour format which was started by AT 40 in October of 1978. It's a countdown not to be missed when Pink Lady wanted a "Kiss In The Dark", Abba asked "Does Your Mother Know", Robert John had "Sad Eyes", Raydio said "You Can't Change That", and John Stewart hit "Gold" plus so much more.
Hear the countdown on great stations such as WMGN in Madison, WI. The countdown starts at 8pm Mountain time. They play only the last three hours but KTHI in Boise Idaho plays all four hours starting at 6pm mountain time on Sunday evening.


Interesting murder mystery which also delves into satanism. Karne Black is a protitute that is murdered and Christopher Plummer is the police detective who uncovers a murderous devil cult.
The film is a little slow in a few spots, but it is interesting and should please mystery fans and horror films buffs.
Plummer and Black both do excellent jobs. The movie is very deliberately paced and you have to pay attention. The ending is a twist, but you will probably know it by that time anyway.
The disc is hosted by sexy Katarina Waters who does give some background insight into the film. Pretty neat release from Scorpion. Recommended for a look.


Dean Cain is 46, and Geoffrey Lewis is 77.

Monday, July 30, 2012


A young woman is kidnapped and held for her inheritance. The kidnapped girl is kept at a school for delinquent girls who are forced to work in a sweat shop during the day and it is run by a woman who would make anyone
This is a rather standard Edgar Wallace thriller but it is the first of the Rialto Film Company Edgar Wallace films to be shot in color.
The acting is just fine for this kind of movie, the women are all very attractive.
Recommended for those of you who aren't looking for anything too deep.


A plane carrying several models is shot down over the jungle and they are taken captive by a drug lord's army. The women are captured, tortured, sexually abused and then they finally escape and kill many of the bad guys with machine guns.
The casting of Paul Smith and Sybil Danning as a very bizarre brother sister duo is perfect, and Danning does a good job with what she has to work with. Her interrogation of the women is always fun to watch.
The rest of the cast is also B movie heaven with Alex Cord, Dana Elcar, Marjoe Gortner, Woody Strode, John Vernon and Baroness Van Pallandt Nina.
If you like action films you'll probably enjoy this as well.


Jamie Pressly is 35, Arnold Schwarzenegger is 65, Vivica A. Fox is 48, Edd Byrnes is 79, Paul Anka is 71, Richard Johnson is 85, and Monique Gabrielle is 49.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


David Warner is 71, Alexandra Paul is 50, Robert Fuller is 80, Robert Horton is 89, Tina Krause is 43, Sharri Jones is 23, Roz Kelly is 70, and Scott Steiner is 51.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Excellent film noir from director Edgar Ulmer about a young man who has a dream in which he sees his mother marry a dangerous man and also it shows him how his father died, or was murdered.
He desparately tries to stop his mom from marrying a man played by Warren William. His doctor helps him with the investigation which uncovers some very interesting facts.
Done on a minimal budget, this is Ulmer at his best. There is more going on in the 68 minute running time than most modern films three times that long. The rest of the cast includes Regis Toomey, Jimmy Lyndon and Sally Eilers. One of the best of the genre. Highly Recommended!!


A group of genetically superior mutants escapse from a lab and go on a killing spree in this entertaining sci-fi film from American Cinema Marketing.
The mutants are very scary looking and almost indestructible. The late David Gale, who was a wonderful villian in these kinds of films plays Carter Brown, the head of the organization that created these monsters and who will stop at nothing to keep it a secret.
Not a bad time waster is you're so inclined.


Elizabeth Berkley is 40, Charles Cyphers is 73, and Lisa Gastoni is 77.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Well, this is highly unusual for my blog to feature a film like this. Why do I say that? Well this film is very hard to catagorize. It is not a "torture porn" film like the recent crap being made, nor does it fit into any other genre of films I usually review.
I guess I would put it in the group of films like Inquisition, El Inquisador and Bloody Judge, but it isn't a witch hunting film either. It is a story that is at once horrific and will make you sit up and take notice.
It involves two young women who are brought to the Inquisiton by the church, who really only wants the money and possessions of one of the women. They are accused of every stupid and silly things that people say about them and they are stripped and tortured in many various and painful ways by the church.
Both are whipped, burned, stretched on the rack and many other atrocities. This is not a pleasant film and the ending with burning at the stake for one of the women is not at all easy to watch.
Both women are beautiful and they are naked thru 99% of the film. The torture isn't presented in an exploitative way, but in a way that makes you understand the horrors of the acts against these women.
Lovely Amy Hesketh is Mariana de castro and Mila Joya is Francisca de la Cruz, the two women who are brought before the inquisition. Both women do a fine job and Amy REALLY suffers for her art here folks.
Director Jac Avila knows how to make a damn good story and not make it too exploitative.
If you get the chance, you will want to see this film, but please know it has ample violence and both women are nude throughtout the entire film, except the very beginning and the end.
Highly Recommended!!

RIP R.G. ARMSTRONG 1917-2012

One of the greatest character actor of modern times passed away ay the age of 95 in his sleep on July 27th. R.G. had a career that was over 45 years and he was in literally hundreds of movies and television shows.
Genre fans will remember him from Friday the 13th The show, The Car, Race With The Devil, Twilight Zone TV show, Devil Dog: Hound Of Hell and many, many more.
The man leaves behind a very rich legacy for all of us to enjoy.


I cannot understand why this hasn't yet received a DVD release here in the states, but I do have it from a source and the print is very good and in wide screen.
A doctor investigates several lakeside murders and finds a vampire is behind the killings. It is always interesting to see the vampire lore in other countries, and since I love all things Japanese, this was a real treat for me.
The vampires are white as sheets and do look haunting. The leading lady is beautiful as always and the vampire, played by Shin Kashida, is menacing and yet I don't think they really fleshed out the character enough. This movie is actually part of a trilogy of vampire films from Japan and I would like the chance to see them all someday.
If you like vampire movies at all, you should really give this a is odd and yet entrancing at the same time.


Paul Levesque is 43.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Ahh 1977..a very good time in my life. I was 15, loved movies and read and watched everything I could and little did I know that films like this existed.
Well flash forward to 1995 and my discovery of this wonderful film from Jess Franco.
This story concerns a 16 year old girl who is forced into a convent run by Satanists! Gorgeous Susan Hemingway is the young girl and William Berger is the Father Confessor and a very unlikable person from the get go.
The young woman, Maria, writes a letter to god and a Knight rescues her, but only after she has been forced to have sex with men, women and the Devil and then told it was only in her mind.
Eventually she falls into the hands of the Inquisition and is tortured as a way to make her take back her accusations. She is stretched on the rack and burned on various body parts until she agrees to say she lied.
This is an excellent Franco film and that is saying something.
I have always liked his work, but the way this film looks is simply beautiful.
If you get a chance, watch this film and you too might just become a friend of Jess Franco's films.


made in Germany action film from the mid 50's stars Marion Michael as a blonde jungle goddess who is taken back to her family after being in the jungle since she was very young.
Her return to civilazation is not easy and she eventually finds herself accused of murder.
Hardy Kruger is the man she loves and Reggie Nalder is the evil businessman who frames the young woman for murder since he doesn't want her inheriting her families business.
Not a bad film by any means and it's hard to believe that back when this was released it played only Adults only theaters because of a very brief topless scene by Michael.
The acting is good and this is highly recommended by me as a way to kill 90 minutes and be entertained.


Susan George is 62, James Best is 86, Lorna Gray is 95, and Suzanna Leigh is 67.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


A research team find a mutant of human and octopus threatening them. The monster is a spawn of radiation and the costume is inhabited by a young Rick Baker, who made it.
Kerwin Mathews, Pier Angeli and Jeff Morrow star in this quasi remake of Creature from The Black Lagoon. This mocie takes a lot of shots from people who hate it. I actually didn't find it as bad as people say it is.
If anyone who tears this film apart can do better for $250,000, then have at it.
Pier Angeli died of a drug ovrdose while filming what wuld be her last movie.


Katherine Kelly Lang is 51, and Valerie Van Ost is 68.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The star of the tv show Medical Center has passed away at the age of 75 from lung cancer. He played Joe Gannon for 7 years on the show and met his wife of 45 years Shelby Grant while she was acting on the show as a young woman who was dying.
I remember Everett from the genre film The Intruder as well as Medical Center and much more. A good conservative Republican and a great actor.


The man who played George Jefferson on 11 years of "The Jeffersons" has passed away at the age of 74, and no cause of death has been determined as of this writing.
Hemsley has a true talent for comedy and was an expert at making people laugh, especially as George Jefferson, a black dry cleaner who owned his own shops and lived in a New York highrise with his wife "Wheezy."
He kept busy with a lot of TV shows and was the voice of B.P. Richfield on the show Dinosaurs.
Another talent gone.


Easily the most bizarre of the Johnny Weismuller Tarzan films. Boy is kidnapped by an evil businessman and taken to his circus outside of New York. Tarzan and Jane( Maureen O' Sullivan) head off to civilization to bring Boy (Johnny Sheffield) back home.
Tarzan is mystified by the way people live in the city and eventually he is taken to court in order to get Boy back and he gets angry at an attorney who is badgering Jane, so he throws the attorney at the jury!! Good for you Tarzan.
Virginia Grey, Paul Kelly, Charles Bickford, Chill Wills and Charles Lane round out a solid cast in what may seem like a silly movie, but it's really a well made and directed film and a welcome entry in the serise.


Jennifer Lopez is 43, Summer Glau is 31, Lynda Cater is 61, Linda Harrison is 67, Mark Goddard is 76, Torrie Wilson is 37, and Heidi Kristoffer is 30.