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Friday, January 31, 2025


The 60's pop music singer and actress has died.

Faithfull lived a life of many peaks and valleys which included recording a hit record with the Rolling Stones and homelessness as well as heroine addiction.

She survived and went on with her life. Her two most famouse movie are "Ghost Story" from 1974 and "Girl On A Motorcycle".

Marianne Faithfull passed away on January 30th, 2024 at the age of 78.


This is a very well made TV movie from 1981.

I had seen this at the time it came out and it impressed me so much I never forgot it. Now I finally got to watch it again, and it's just as good as it was 40 some years ago.

The movie opens with the brutal murder of a young blonde woman by a killer you never see. This actually starts a very tangled web of deceit and lies that always keeps the viewer guessing.

Stephen Macht stars as Max Heller, a young doctor who happens to be engaged to a grogeous woman named Laury Medford (Kim Basinger). His best friend is Dr. Paul Trenton (John Rubenstein) and all three get tangled in the murder when a mysterious man named Lou Corbin (Robert Culp) stars showing up everywhere they go.

Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the plot twists, but that is a good thing with movies like this. All of the actors give it their all and it work well with director John Moxey's talent.

I don't want to give much away as it will spoil the fun of watching this movie, but the ending is a good twist. Basinger looks sexy as hell which makes watching this even better than it already was.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this well made thriller.


Daniela Bianchi is 83, Audra Lynn is 45, and Harry Wayne Casey is 74.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


This is a pretty obscure Spanish horror film.

This contains four different stories of horror and I have to admit that there is a very different take on all of these and the originality works well.

This film has short stories about vampires. a very different Frankenstein monster, Christians fighting Vampires and a great haunted house story.

This is a film that had a lot of horror fans divided on if this is a good movie or not. I enjoyed it. I like things that have original thinking, and kudos to the directors for having a different take.

There are a lot of familiar faces in this movie and some simply unforgettable set pieces. I really recommend this to fans of Spanish horror. It has subtitles so no worries there. It is a beautifully shot movie as well.

There hasn't been a lot of things written about ths film and as I said, it's obscure and I think it needs to be seen by more people. The cast includes Jaime Chavarri, Romy, Luis Ciges, Marta May, Charo Lopez, and Jose Lifante.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025


The Mexican actress has died.

Most of Aguirre's movies were Mexican dramas ans comedies that have never seen the light of day stateside.

The one single credit that she is most known for here in the US is "El fantasma de la casa roma", which is known as "Phantom Of The Red House" thanks to K. Gordon Murray importing it here for Saturday matinee showings.

Alma Rose Aguirre passed away on January 27, 2025 at the age of 95.


The German actor has passed away.

Janson appeared in over 160 movies and TV shows, mostly in Germany but he has a few interesting credits here in the US as well.

Some of his credits include "Race With The Devil", and "Deadly Jaws".

However, his most famous role was in the 1973 Hammer film entitled "Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter" in which he starred in the title role. It's an unforgettable movie, and Janson was perfect in it.

Horst Janson passed away on January 28, 2025 at the age of 89.


Very entertaining Italian spy film shot in West Germany, Denmark and of course Italy.

Paul Hubschmid stars as a superspy called Upperseven, who happens to be a master of disguise.

Upperseven, whose real name is Paul Finney is assigned to a case involving diamond smuggling that turns out to be a front for an even more sinister plan of missile building for world domination from China.

There is a lot of action and it never gets boring as Upperseven travels all over the world tracking the ciminals down. During his adventures he meets Pauline (Rosalba Neri) who is actually working for the enemy, and pays for her crimes. Her role is a rather small one, but it very memorable, s are all her roles.

Paul is assigned to work with CIA agent Helen Farheit (Karin Dor) who is more than capable of taking care of herself. They both fall for each other and have a great time working together. They fight the evil Kobras (Nando Gazzolo) and his incredibly sexy helper named Birgit (Vivi Bach).

The climax to the film is very well done as Upperseven changes disguises several times and it gets hard to know who is who. Director Alberto Di Martino handles everything very well.

I enjoyed the heck out of this movie!! It's well done. The actors all do a wonderful job with their roles and it takes me back to a time when men were men and women were women. It's never a bad thing either when Dor, Neri and Bach are all in the same movie.

The print from Sinister is beautiful, widescreen and has gorgeous color. Recommended!!


Katharine Ross is 85, Tom Selleck is 80, Heather Graham is 55, and Marc Singer is 77.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


I know this was on DVD years ago, but cannot remember the name of the company. I caught this on TUBI.

I have watched a few newer movies directed by Jim Wynorski and if you remember I gave those a bad review because they just suck. This however is when he was in top form.

Andrew Stevens stars as Alan Clay, a producer of TV movies about women in peril. He wants to make a film about the life of Dr. Claire Archer (Shari Shattuck) who has been "forced" to kill two men in self defence.

Claire falls for Alan and begins her usual road to seduction scheme. Alan is attracted to her as well, but must hide his feelings for her from his gorgeous wife Beth (Morgan Fairchild).

Slowly Alan is sucked into a twisted world of sex, sedustion and violence by the demented Archer. The ending is what you'd expect and leaves the door open for the fourth edition which came out soon after this.

We all saw these on Cinemax back in the day and rented them on VHS as well. This movie, like the others gives the viewer everything they could ask for which is beautiful naked women, sex and highly unlikely situations.

I liked this movie a hell of a lot and I admit it. The rest of the cast includes Robert Forster, Stella Stevens, Chick Vinnera, Delia Sheppard and Becky LeBeau.


Barbi Benton is 75, and Jack Hill is 92.

Monday, January 27, 2025


The highly underrated actress has died.

Between 1952 and 1973 Shepard racked up almost 90 roles in TV shows and movies.

Some of the TV shows she appeared in include "Death Valley Days", "Adventures Of Kit Carson", "Lone Ranger", "Science Fiction Theater", "Land Of The Giants", and "Highway Patrol".

Her mocies include "King Creole", "Paradise Hawaiian Style", and her most well known role for genre fans "Attack Of The Giant Leeches". The beautiful Jan Shepard passed away on January 17th, 2025 at the age of 96.


This wasn't too bad of a mystery film.

Carmel Myers stars as Madame Ying Su, who will stop at nothing to obtain a valuable jewel.

That is the entire plot in a nutshell, and even thoughthis film is far from original, it does move well and stands on it's own.

I find it amusing that today in 2025 a bunch of people get all upset over movies like this. I really think these people need a life, or maybe just employment somewhere.

I found the movie to be very watchable and enjoyable for what it is. Action Pictures was the releasing company.

Others in the cast include Rex Lease, Barbara Kent and Frank Mayo.


Joe Bob Briggs is 72.

Sunday, January 26, 2025


Now this was a fun little movie.

Beautiful Barbara Britton stars as Zara Montalvo, a young woman who returns to her home in California and sees her parents killed by bandits.

She decides to take things into her own hands and becomes a masked crime fighter who can also handle a whip very well. Yes, this sounds like a combination of Batman and Zorro.

Zara seduces her way into the information she needs via a businessman named Dan Hinsdale (Willard Parker). Before long, Zara and her gang start rounding up and killing the people who have made her home town a nightmare.

She discovers that the local Sheriff Jim Harden (Barton MacLane) is the ringleader of the savage group of killers. There are several great set pieces in this fast paced western.

The rest of the cast for this Robert Lippert production includes Phillip Reed, Victor Kilian, Martin Garralaga, Angelo Rossitto, Mikel Conrad and Margia Dean.

If you can find this DVD or see it on streaming, I recommend you do so.


Katherine Leigh Scott is 82.

Saturday, January 25, 2025


I have alway wanted to see this western as it was directed by Edward L. Cahn, and I love the mans movies.

I found this to be a very good, if un-original western. Matt Wade (Robert Karnes) escapes from prison with some help from a businessman named George Landon (Willis Bouchey). Landon wants Wade to mastermind a million dollar Wells Fargo robbery.

Wade is instructed to get his brother Billy (James Brown) involved or there will be no deal. Billy is a reformed gunman who has changed his life and now runs a very small ranch in the valley.

Matt arrives and turns everything upside down in Billy's life. Billy kills Matt and decides to make the gang believe he is in with them so he can get evidence on them for the Sheriff.

Billy has a beautiful girlfriend who helps him get what he needs. Her name is Arlene (Della Sharman). This movie does have a few interesting twists and turns and it does keep moving at a good pace.

If you're a westerns fan I can't see you not liking this. The outstanding cast also includes Walter Coy in a perfect performance as the evil Ike Garvey, Gregg Palmer, John Wilder, Quentin Sondergaard and Joe Haworth.

Hope you get a chance to check out this well made western.


Michelle McCool is 45.

Friday, January 24, 2025


Very well made adventure epic.

Lex Barker stars as Luis Monterrey, a man who is accused of treason and sentanced to hard labor on a far away island.

Luis discovers that he has been set up by forces much higher than he is, and decides to do something about it. This is a colorful fim with tons of action and many, many plot twists.

The action scenes are well handled by director Domenico Paolella and all of the actors know their roles very well. There are a lot of familiar faces in this movie, and of course, beautiful women.

Barker is always good in these types of roles and this seems to fit him more than most. The cast also includes Livio Lorenzon, John Kitzmiller, Loris Gizzi, and in the babes depratment we have gorgeous Estella Blain and Kiana Orfei.

If you get a chance and are a fan of this genre or maybe just like this kind of a movie, I would recommend you check it out because I don't think you'll be disappointed.


Nastassja Kinski is 64, Kenya Moore is 54, and Neil Diamond is 84.

Thursday, January 23, 2025


I had read a lot of good things about this movie, but as usual I was disappointed.

First off I want to say it was nice to see one actor in this mess, and that was Robert Forster. This was released about a year after he passed away.

A series of brutal killings attributed to a werewolf is plauging a small Utah town. Forster stars as elder Sheriff Hadley. He is in charge of the investigation as to what is going on.

After about the first 20 minutes the movie falls apart and again, there are no characters to give a damn about. Jim Cummings directed this mess and stars as John Marshall, a foul mouthed, drunked man who cares about nothing but making people feel small and dropping "F" bombs with every sentance.

The resolution is stupid and droll, much like almost everyone in the movie. I have been told by many people that moodern movie audiences are very sophisticated and want realism in their movies. If that is so then why do we have such garbage made into movies.

The people in this film act like nobody I have ever known and everyone is loud and angry. But, hey, whatever. All I can say is I had high hopes for this film and was let down. It's my fault really, I gave it a chance and wasted 90 minutes of my life.

You've been warned.


Mariska Hargitay is 61, Tiffani Thiessen is 51, Gil Gerard is 82, and Silvia Monti is 79.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Strange movie with two directors.

Albert Pyun was replaced with Jim Wynorski for reasons I have yet to discover, but the film really goes nowhere.

Three women are killed in a swanky hotel for the rich and famous and two house detectives, one being the gorgeous Sandra Marshall (Traci Bingham) are assigned to the case.

Tracy tries to find the elusive killer and all during the movie the viewer gets to see many sexy and beautiful women naked, and believe it or not, that is this films only virtue.

It's a slow moving effort that finally reaches it's twist ending after much talk. I much preferred seeing Julie K. Smith naked as well as Melissa Brasselle doing a nice stripping routine.

There are many other lovely women in this movie including Amy Lindsey, Regina Russell Banali, Kira Eggers and Kimber Lynn. You can probably skip this film unless you're like me and enjoy seeing these starlets in the buff.

It's a shame they made this movie and did not have Traci show off her assets. Bad move. Anyhow that is strictly my opinion.


Linda Blair is 66.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


This is an very low budget film I would call an interesting misfire.

The thread bare plot concerns four people who are traveling in Virginia and develope a muffler problem with their travel home.

They are stranded in the woods and the spirits of dead soldiers from the Civil War contact one of them. They want to rest in peace, but cannot until the head of their dead commander is buried with the body.

That is the plot, and the amount of action is nill in this movie. These spirits are not evil and nothing really happens at all. The filmmakers dropped the ball here.

The night scenes are so dark you can't see anything, and there is absolutely NOTHING scary in this "horror film". I admire the people who made this because any attempt to make a low budget film is admirable, but they failed to make a point out of anything in the plot.

I can't recommend this, but I can't not recommend it either. See it at your own risk.


Audrey Dalton is 91, and Maryse Mizanin is 42.

Monday, January 20, 2025


This is an ok mystery film from director Lucio Fulci.

A woman, Carol Hammond (Florinda bolkan) has some very bizarre nightmares surrounding a mysterious woman and two very weird hippies.

She tries to unravel this thru psycho analysis and she soon finds her dreams are becoming reality.

As the movie unfolds we get a lot of plot twists and some things will no doubt hold the interest of mystery fans, but for me it was a little too slow.

Don't get me's fine as a movie. It just wasn't my cup of tea. The rest of the cast includes Leo Genn, Stanley Baker, Jean Sorel, Silvia Monti, Alberto de Mendoza, Penny Brown, Mike Kennedy and Ely Galleani.

The ending might catch you off guard and I have to admit I liked the twist at the end.


Tom Baker is 91, and Jack Grinnage is 94.

Sunday, January 19, 2025


What a disappointment.

It's not often that a movie with the names Jim Wynorski or Melissa Brasselle associated with it fails to impress me, but this one did. it's a dismal effort, but not too surprising for this day and age of filmmaking.

Melissa still looks good to me and I like her work, but this time she just misses the mark. Here she plays a killer robot running amok and people start dying.

While this is going on the "scientists" who created her are trying to stop her. This has a very brief running time of 46 minutes, but it doesn't help any. Here is a small list of things that are really wrong with this movie.

First, Melissa has a silly look on her face all the time and it is far from flattering. It just looks very bad. Second, the group of young people who are terrorized are incompetent and not likable at all. Third, The "scientists" are all blonde bimbos, and I'm sorry, but even my suspension of disbelief goes so far, and Fourth, the STUPID way they find to stop the robot.

Wynorski usually makes films I find very entertaining. but this time he missed the mark entirely. Do yourself a favor and skip this.


Shelley Fabares is 81, Tippi Hedren is 95, and Linda Hayden is 72.

Saturday, January 18, 2025


Strange little film.

Two members of rival gangs in Chinatown are deeply in love, but cannot marry because of family differences.

They finally convince their fathers to let them marry and end the long fued that has been going on and has caused so many deaths. When the fathers concede, that is when the trouble begins.

A white criminal named Zamboni (Paul Ellis) steals a valuable necklace and then some murders occurs and the tong wars gets started back up again.

I'm not saying this is a bad film, but it didn't hold my attention well. The film only runs 55 minutes and yet it is slow. It's an ok time waster, but that;s about all I would call it.


Ted DiBiase is 71, and Cheryl Waters is 78.

Friday, January 17, 2025


A very fast moving German Krimi.

A young man who is a nephew of a murdered millionaire decides to investigate the murders on his own.

This is a very well done film with several twists including the fact that this is not based on a story from Edgar Wallace. It' based on a book by James Chase and the viewer can see several major differences because of this.

The hero of the film is not as strong as the femme fatale and that is something I found very unusual. Hildegard Knef is very good as Laura Lorelli who is working for the head villian and she is pure ice...or so the viewer is lead to believe.

I could easily compare this to several James Bond films as you have a top crime boss with a rather elaborate wheelchair equipped with a machine gun!!

The action never stops once it starts and the first scenes in London set up the rest of the movie very well indeed. If you're a fan of Krimi films you'll want to see this and hopefully you'll like it. I know I did.

The rest of the cast includes Klaus Kinski, Pinkus Braun, Gotz George and Richard Munch.


Randy Boone is 83.

Thursday, January 16, 2025


A master filmmaker has died.

I have not seen a whole lot of his works, but several of his films stand out in my mind as true American masterpieces.

Lynch directed such fare as "Eraserhead", "Blue Velvet", "Elephant Man", and "The Grandmother" which was a short film and very odd, as was most of his films.

Most people remember him for the show "Twin Peaks". David Lynch was a true American orignal when it came to hie view of filmmaking. He passed away on January 16, 2025, just 4 days short of his 79th birthday.