The film concerns a playboy named Peter (Gianni Garko) who meets a beautiful young woman named Anna (Giovanna Ralli) in a nightclub and he offers to take her to his place.
His place is really the home of his father who is a very sucessful judge named Bedell (Fernando Rey). When they arrive they find the dead body of the butler and then are taken hostage by two men.
One of the men wants revenge on the judge for sending him to prison and the other wants money. The young one is named Quill (Julian Mateos) and he is money hungry as well as being attracted to Anna.
The older one, Arthur Welt (Frank Wolff) wants revenge. The film is very brutal and there is a lot of savage beatings in this film, but it doesn't have as much sex as usual Giallos of the period.
Ralli is fantastic looking and makes the movie even better. The final is typical of this kind of movie, much like American film noir. Again, however, things are not as they appear.
I liked this film and found it very engrossing. The opening scene is a kicker indeed, at least I think so. I recommend this movie.
The rest of the cast includes Karin Schubert, Leonardo Scavino, and Franco Marletta.