It's sad that this has only been released in Germany on Blu-ray, but it is streaming now on TUBI.
Now this was something very different, but not different at all...if that makes sense. The movie opens with man played by Kevin Sorbo sitting in a small coffee shop taking to a gorgeous young woman named Julia (Valerie Azlynn) that he has met online.
She gets up and leaves abruptly but we hear her tell her sister on the phone that she likes him. Before you can blink an eye the man kidnaps Julia and takes her to an abandoned warehouse. He intends on tortuing her and then killing her as he is a serial killer known as "The Branding Killer" since he brands his victims.
Julia escapes several times before he ties her in the back of a pickup truck and then brands her with an X. As he attempts to bury the body of another woman and Julia she escapes again and after much abuse she manages to subdue the man by knocking him out. Her sister, Jessica (Alicia Leigh Willis) arrives and they throw the man into the trunk of a car.
At this point the movie makes a 180 turn as we discover that these two beautiful young woman are themselves killers who kill every man they meet, especially those they meet online.
The movie gets really wild and bloody as they torture the man who is never given a name during the movie and the last 30 minutes are like nothing I have seen in a long time in a movie.
The ending will probably not surprise you, but it does work very well. I am a huge fan of 70's music and now, after watching this I will always think of this movie when I hear the sone "Close To You" by The
I would recommend this movie for horror fans who like their horror with very, very black comedy. The two lead women are incredibly sexy.