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Tuesday, July 6, 2010


According to the Code Red Website things are not good with the sales of their discs. Their lates release of Slithis only sold 489 copies and this is typical of ALL companies who target sci-fi and related films to a small audience.
These only appeal to people like me and a few others and this is why these companies are falling like flies. It is sad that the average DVD viewer is usually a stupid 20 something "kid" who has no idea about movie history and who won't watch anything older than 5 months and only watch ignorant "blockbusters" which are usually boring and slow as hell.
Sad news indeed and they also state that such films as Soul Survivor, Pets, Devil Times Five, The Unseen, Bording House will not be repressed and will be going out of print permanently very soon. If you want them you'd better get them now.
The good news is that Code Red will be releasing Horror High on August 10th and Terminal Island on Sept. 7th.

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