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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Incredible is right!! John Carradine stars as a scientist who creates a diving bell for deep ocean dives. On the first dive the cable breaks and the group of four are sent to the bottom of the ocean, or so they think.
Robert Clarke, Sheila Noonan, Allen Windsor and Phyllis Coates are the four lost in a bizarre underground world under the ocean.
Phyllis has always been one of my favorite actresses of the period and I have always found her incredibly good looking. She plays the bitch which is good, and the four find another man who has been living there for 14 years. He also takes a liking to Miss Coates.
This is a Jerry Warren film so don't expect much. Coates made the film as a favor to Warren and he promised to never show it in California. She believed him, but he went ahead and showed it to Columbia film execs who called the film shoddy and refused to renew Coates' contract. She was also never paid for being in this film.
See it if you want, but be forwarned, it is slow moving.

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