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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


One of my favorite 70's shockers stars William Smith as a government investigator looking in to the many deaths in a small California town called Peckham. It seems all the men are dying from heart attacks brought on by high sexual stimulation.
It is soon discovered that the women are mutating into queen bees!! What a premise. The absolutely gorgeous Anitra Ford stars as the head of the Bee colony. Just as sexy Victoria Vetri is a young woman helping Smith uncover the reasons of the deaths.
They just don't make films like this anymore because it deals with straight sex and we all know that Hollyweird considers that a no no anymore.
To hell with modern films man, this is where it's at.
The rest of the cast does a wonderful job playing this somewhat straight and it includes Cliff Osmond as the police Captain, Wright King as the town doctor and Cliff Emmich as the coronor.
If you get a chance you simply must see this film. Vetri and Ford make the
film worth watching no matter what.


  1. I absolutely ADORE this movie. It's sleazy beyond belief, yet strangely adorable.

  2. Oh! I totally have plans for it this Halloween on my own blog....

  3. Justin, glad you like this film as much as I do.


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