Forrest Tucker stars as Alan Brooks, a man who is on a "vacation" in the Alps and investigates the gruesome deaths of several mountain climbers who have had their heads torn off.
He arrives with two young women also on the same train as he is. They are a mind reading act of Sarah (Jennifer Jayne) and Anne (Janet Munro) Pilgrim. They both decide to stay in the small town of Trollenberg after Anne receives a strong mental message from an unknown source.
After a few more disappearances it soon becomes clear that an alien force is at work. Aliens from another planet are attempting to take over, but must first make the earth cold enough for them to live on.
The aliens are giant eyes with tentacles!! I will never forget when I first saw this film as a child. It blew me away, and it still does. I love the slow build up to the all out attack by the monsters on an observatory where everyone is gathered.
The print from Image has the original title, "The Trollenberg Terror". I have reviewed this here before, but wanted to re-visit it because it deserves all the attention I can give it. Great 50;s sci-fi and not to be missed.

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