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Friday, October 23, 2015


Interesting western from the man who went on to make "MUMMY AND CURSE OF THE JACKAL".

Don Megowan stars as Cheney Holland. Holland is arrested after he stops fleeing with a group of men who robbed a bank after his brother is shot.

When the brother dies, Holland decides to get even by escaping from prison and seeking the members of the gang who left he and his brother behind.

Jim Davis is the somewhat understanding Sheriff and Allison Hayes is Hollands' girlfriend Sherry. Hayes looks good in every scene she is in and that is always a plus.

Gerald Milton is Isaac Stancil, the man Holland wants to kill. I have seen Milton in a few films and always remember him from "UNKNOWN TERROR" more than anything else. I would recommend this little western for fans. The print quality isn't perfect, but who cares, at least you can watch this little gem.

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