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Saturday, March 5, 2016


This is one hell of a roller coaster ride.

Thru the 80's and into the early 90's Cannon Films churned out more movies than any other company in the world. Some were good, some were ok and some were downright bad, but all were fun to some extent.

Thru various clips and interviews the viewer is given a fantastic look at the company owned by Yoram Globus and Menahem Golan and how they made their movies cheap and very fast.

Some of the people who tell the story are Sybil Danning, David Del Valle, Luigi Cozzi and many more. There are some fascinating clips and stories involved here.

Most of us have seen some films from Cannon in our lives and this documentary is really a welcome thing. Globus and Golan remind me a modern day versions of Roger Corman but some of the movies they made are a very twisted melding of several ideas at once.

If you have ever seen "Life Force" "Invasion USA" "Death Wish 2" or any other film like that, then you have been touched by Cannon. I recommend this very interesting documentary, and after you watch it you might get hungry for some Cannon fodder!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah this was a great documentary. I was disappointed Chuck Norris chose not to participate as there is only archive footage of him.
