I have always liked this film, and it is a hard one to see actually. Queen Salina (Carita) accepts her dying fathers with to live in peace with the Romans.
She becomes queen on his death and works with a fair and just leader of the Romans named Justinian (Don Murry). The two rule the empire fairly and also fall in love.
All seems to be going well until Octavian, a very malicious and cruel man (Andrew Keir) sets a plan in motion to destroy the happy union.
Carita is a very beautiful woman and this is the only film I believe I have seen her in as this was her last screen appearance. Don Murray is very good as Justinian but it is Andrew Keir who really steals the show. He is very capable as the evil Octavian, and some of his dialogue is priceless.
The DVD from Anchor Bay is a beautiful widescreen presentation and now it is very hard to find. Anchor Bay turned out a lot of Hammer films back in the early days of DVD and sadly none have been re-released here. I had all of them at one time, but a few got stolen and I have never been able to replace them.
Well anyway, this is an excellent film and a good non horror from Hammer. I cannot recommend it enough if this is your cup of tea. Hopefully you can find it and enjoy some good action/adventure from Hammer.

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