Mondo Macabro brings us this long lost film from Jose Larraz. Angela Pleasence stars as Helen, a very strange woman living alone in a huge mansion who invites a friend to spend time with her.
Ann, the friend soon comes to realize that the mansion and her friend are not what they seem to be. The handyman, Brady, finds the corpse of Helen's first guest floating in the nearby lake, and this starts a chain of terror that cannot be stopped.
Helen slowly becomes unhinged and murders several innocent people including her beautiful friend Ann (Lorna Heilbron) and her unsuspecting boyfriend. The murders are quite graphic and are expertly handled by Larraz.
Helen, during her slow descent into insanity sees her dead friend walking around the mansion and it blurs the line between reality and fantasy for us the viewer, especially the final shot in the film.
Thought lost for years the BFI has finally located a beautiful, uncut print that is presented here for the first time on the home video market. The transfer from Mondo is perfect and it is such a shame that a quality film like this had been robbed of a wider audience in the last few years.
Angela Pleasence does an excellent job and this is probably her finest role in any film she ever did. It's rare films like this that make collecting Blu-ray fun.
If you haven't seen this disturbing and brooding film, I recommend you do so as soon as possible.

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