This is one of my favorite Fred Olen Ray films that I watched many times when I owned the VHS many years ago. It's bizarre, but a hell of a lot of fun.
An American satellite returns to Earth and a new bio weapon is on board. It starts to re-activate and there lies the problem. Two teenagers find the crashed remains and are torn apart by a strange life form that escapes from the capsule.
Policemen Ian McLemore (Charles Napier) and Jerry Merris (Ron Glass) are assigned to the case by their boss Captain Robertson (Bo Svenson). Both men dig into the case are soon find themselves stopped by Government agents who are trying to destroy their creation and keep everything a secret at the same time.
Michael Forest has a great role as Hawkins, a government stooge who is always trying to stop Ian and his partner, but never succeeds.
The monster is a little like the creature from "Alien" but way more bizarre with thousands of teeth and body snapping tentacles. There are also two smaller creatures on the run in the film and one kills Merris in his home while McLamore deals with the other one with a baseball bat.
There are a lot of bizarre set pieces in this film including McLemore seducing a beautiful young female police officer named Carla Sandbourn Ann Turkel) by playing the bagpipes after a bargain basement dinner. I might try this someday and see if it There are some gore effects, and when Ian fights the monster with a chainsaw you really see the blood fly.
Anyway, this is a fun film and the rest of the cast includes Julie Newmar, James Booth, Norman Burton, Peter Palmer, Anthony Eisley and Fox Harris. The Blu-ray looks beautiful and I am very grateful to Scorpion for turning it out. You'll never see this film in better quality, and I do consider it a top release of the year.

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