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Sunday, May 1, 2022


Yes, I have written about this movie before, but after a couple of years I finally managed to snag the Blu-ray, so I figured I'd talk about it again.

Kino has remastered this horror gem and it looks better than it has a right to. Bruce Dern stars as Dr. Roger Girard, a man obsessed with his medical experiments. Just what are those experiments? Well they consist of head transplants which he believes will eventually lead to saving people's lives when they have serious brain damage.

He is so busy with his experiments that he neglects his gorgeous wife Linda (Pat Priest). That to me is a cardinal sin right there. On their estate Roger and Linda have a hired man, Andrew (Larry Vincent) and his hulking son Danny (John Bloom). Danny has suffered brain damage when he was very young so he only has the brain of an 8 year old.

When Roger's best friend Ken (Casey Kasem) shows up he lets him see his experiments, but Ken is just trying to get Roger to pay more attention to his wife. One day a madman named Manuel Cass (Albert Cole) escapes from the asylum he was sent to at the beginning of this movie.

Cass steals a car and before you know it he ends up at Roger's house. He spots Linda laying by the pool looking sexier than ever in a blue bikini and he decides he wants her. He breaks into the house, knocks Roger out, kills Andrew and takes Linda for a ride so he can have her alone.

Dr. Girard's assistant Max (Berry Kroeger) comes back to the house and unties Roger. Danny becomes unhinged after finding his father dead. Roger and Max go and rescue Linda by shooting Cass in the back.

They see this as a perfect experimental subject. They go back to the house and subdue the now snapped Danny. Max and Roger get the idea to graft Cass' head onto the bady of Danny and see if the experiments work on people.

They has success and soon Danny has an unwanted head on his shoulders. Cass is the stronger of the two in the brains department and naturally he starts to control the body. The two headed nightmare goes on a killing spree with the sheriff in hot pursuit.

Needless to say the doctor and his creation are killed and Linda will no longer be second fiddle to anything if Ken has his way.

Damn, this movie is nothing but fun. The entire cast is great and my goodness you have Pat priest in a bikini and other tasty outfits during the film. Eye candy indeed. Dern is very good as the mad doctor, but it's still odd for me to see him in this kind of role.

Barry Kroeger is again perfect as the assistant and then we come to Casey Kasem as Ken. Those of you that read this blog know that Casey is my idol when it comes to radio. He was the reason I got into broadcasting. What is not to like about this film?

The Blu-ray presentation is beautiful and if you're a fan of this film, I cannot recommend it enough.

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