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Saturday, May 27, 2023

RIP GARY KENT 1933-2023

The great character actor has passed away.

You may not know the name, but there is no way you haven't seen him in some film during the past 45 years or more.

Kent acted in hundreds of film and TV shows. His film career lasted over 60 years and includes such gemre films as "The Thrill Killers", "Ride In The Whirlwind", "Mighty Gorga", "Dracula Vs. Frankenstein" and "Schoolgirls In Chains" just to nme a few.

He was a very good actor who could do any role that he was asked, and do it well. Gark Kent died on May 25th, 2023 at the age of 89, just about a week shy of his 90th birthday.

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