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Saturday, September 16, 2023


This is how far filmmaking has fallen.

I had to take a look at this thing simply because of the title, and I got exactly what I expected, which was NOTHING. But wait...let me tell you about this crap.

A demonic nun casts some kind of spell and brings forth a devil possessed shark. At least I think that's what happened. Then before you know it you have a reality tv host who seems possessed and to prove it we have the usual green vomit.

Oh we ain't even started yet folks. We then have Ali (Angela Kerecz) who is bitten by the shark but recovers. She is now possessed and attacks people with the razor shark teeth. A priest played by Bobby Kerecz performs and exorcism on Ali.

During this nonsense she bites another young woman helping the priest and it all starts all over again. However the movie ends before we have to suffer anymore. The best line in this absurd film is stated by the young woman who is helping the priest. During the exorcism she says "I think we're going to need a bigger cross."

This isn't just bottom of the barrel, this is the slime under it. NOTHING works in this film and you have a lot of scenes that make no sense whatsoever. The acting is bad, the music sucks and everything just sinks.

The only thing I can say is that there are a few very attractive women in bikinis in this film, but that's about it.As I said this is what horror film making has come to in the 21st century.

We have fallen a long way and like most everything else, I fear it will only get worse. Avoid this garbage at all costs and save yourself 72 minutes of agony.

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