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Thursday, November 2, 2023


A great Blu-ray release that has been a long time coming.

This movie has been available forever and a day, but this is the best it has ever looked. This little B movie is nothing but total entertainment and shouldn't be missed by 50's sci-fi fans.

James Best stars as Thorn Sherman, a boat captain who brings a delivery to a small island. On this island is Prof. Craigis (Baruch Lamet), his assistant Jerry (Ken Curtis), a beautiful woman named Ann who is Craigis' daughter (Ingrid Goude) and several others.

Everyone seems uneasy when Sherman tells them that due to a coming hurricane everyone must stay on the island until the storm blows over. That is bad news as Craigis was hoping to get Ann off of the island.

We soon discover why. It seems that Craigis has been experimenting with tiny creatures called shrews and due to Jerry making a mistake and being stupid, the creatures escaped and now they are as big as dogs with a rabid appitite for flesh.

This has been one of my favorite films since I first saw it on KWGN from Denver many, many years ago. I love the cast and the monsters may be silly looking, but I think they are effective.

The presentation from Film Masters is beautiful. Nice and crisp beautiful black and white. This is included in the set with "Giant Gila Monster" and that is only fitting since they were made by the same people and played on double bills together.

The set also include many radio trailers for the two movies as a booklet not worth talking about anyway. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this set for any fan, and again, I say it's about time these two movies get their day in the sun.

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