This tale centers around three young men. Buddy Root (Robert Vaughn) who has been kicked out of school, Bob Miller (Roger Smith) who wants to marry a beautiful woman named Gloria (Merry Anders), and Stu Bradley (Tom Pittman) who is an aspiring writer.
All three have women they want to be with and no means to support them. Buddy is the real hot head of the trio and has several violent encounters with people.
Gloria breaks he back in an accident with Bob and he feels like he is at fault, so being the only one with a job at the local supermarket, he offers to pay her medical bills. Stu has ied about getting an advance from a publisher so he can impress his future father-in-law.
Needless to say all of these young men meet disaster and so Buddy convinces them to help him rob the store where Bob works. They think everything is planned well, but during the robbery they shoot and kill the srtore manager.
Eventually Stu and Bob are arrested, but Buddy makes one last ditch attempt to escape the law which doesn't work. He steals a truck and is involved in a high speed crash that costs him his life.
This is a great mixture of film noir and JD. There is a bit of irony in the matter of how people discover that Buddy has the money from the store, and I won't give it away, but I thought it was pretty cool.
The rest of the cast includes Dorothy Green, Kathleen Nolan, Kirk Alyn, Joanna Barnes and Chuck Courtney. I do recommend this little movie.
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