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Friday, August 9, 2024


One of the best Italian films from and genre I have ever seen.

Umberto Lenzi helmed this film which is the first "Rambo" film, and if you want to know any more about that story, just do some research.

Toman Milian stars as Rambo, a drifter and biker whose friend is killed as part of the result of a war between two crime families in Italy.

Rambo also gets involved in trying to rescue a young child that has been kidnapped. All of this is tied together and Rambo soon finds himself deep in the middle of trouble so he sets out to pit the two families against each other.

This plan works very well, but it is costly. Rambo's sexy girlfriend Flora (Femi Benussi) is beat to death by thugs in a scene that is very shocking and is very cold as well. It fits into 2024 very easy.

This excellent film moves along at break neck speed and never slows down until the very end credits. All of the cast does very well, and everything is smooth.

The rest of the cast includes Joseph Cotton, Maria Fiore, Shirley Corrigan (looking as hot as hell in her small role and even smaller outfit), Mario Piave, Luciano Pigozzi and Rosario Borelli.

Yes I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this film and be warned it's brutal in spots.

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