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Sunday, July 14, 2024


I always did like this movie and now it has finally come to Blu-ray in a beautiful edition.

The story revoles around a young scientist named Jeremy Spensser (Ross Martin) who is killed when hit by a truck at an airport while trying to retrieve his son's toy airplane.

His father played by Otto Kruger transplants Jeremy's brain into a hulking metal monster in order to preserve his intellect.

Jeremy can no longer smell, taste, feel or anything and upon seeing his wife Anne (Mala Powers) and his son Billy (Charles Herbert) he comes to know he is just a mind and nothing more. This enrages him and he begins to kill people and terrorize Anne.

He even kills his brother Henry (John Baragrey). This is fun 50's sci-fi and the movie climaxes at the UN building with a great scene where the giant man crashes thru a plate glass window and starts shooting lasers from his eyes.

I wrote about this film a few years ago when it was finally released on DVD from Olive. This print looks even better. The rest of the cast includes Robert Hutton, Ron Engle and sam Harris.

Highly Recommended for horror fans and men like me who want to see gorgeous Mala Powers.

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